Entries by angelo

Carlton Davis

Recently, after napping on the couch, he woke up with weakness on his right side and trouble keeping his balance. He was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with…


Rise & Walk – Phil Frick

One patient of Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Hospital who has benefited from the Rise&Walk® is Phil Frick, a 75-year-old distribution manager from Newberry, South Carolina. Phil was diagnosed with thoracic and cervical stenosis with myelopathy, or spinal cord compression. He underwent…

Sally Kauffmann

Sally Kauffman and her husband, Doug, have been residents of Greenwood, S.C., for nearly five decades. Recently, however, Sally was in Charleston, S.C. with a colleague when she suffered a traumatic stroke. The stroke left Sally…

Sydney Castines

Sydney Castines is a college student at Lander University in Greenwood, S.C. While driving back to campus one day, she was in a terrible car accident. She suffered several fractures along her dominant right side, including her right arm and leg, and three pelvic fractures…

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Recognized Among Top 10% in the Nation

Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Hospital has been named in the Top 10 percent of inpatient rehabilitation facilities in the United States for the 10th year in a row. The hospital’s care was cited as being as being patient-centered, effective, efficient and timely. “We strive to deliver this higher level of care as our standard,” says Kristin […]